Small Business Subcontracting Requirement Documentation
Department/Center/Unit (Contract Implementation Team): For non-formal bid related acquisitions the Implementation Team is responsible for conducting a pre-purchase search for a suitable small business that fulfills one or more of the six targeted small business types as outlined in the contract/subcontract’s Individual Plan. The Contract Implementation Team is responsible for maintaining documentation regarding the search approach and the search results as well as the end result (small business or not). Contract Implementation Team is responsible for maintaining these records for each purchase that is subject to the small business requirement and supplying RSP with the results and per-purchase documentation on a bi-annual basis. The documentation will also include justifications for situations where a targeted SBC was available but not selected. For informal and formal bid situations the Contract Implementation Team will work through Procurement Services.
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Please complete all of the required fields and submit to Procurement Services, use the Submit Request button and the bottom of the form.
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